Study Groups and Achievements

Experimental Exhibits of Research Results in Museum Studies

Postgraduate Curriculum for Specialized Training of Curators

We focused on the training course for specialist curators at graduate schools.

To grasp the current situation of curator-training, we first studied graduate schools that offer this curriculum. We also gathered information on training curators that is stored at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Science Council of Japan, the Museological Society of Japan and the Japanese Association of Museums, and analyzed the trends.

In recent years, the need for curators to possess sophisticated skills and specialties has been pointed out. Discussion on the expertise itself, however, has not deepened. This shows that the diversity of the related fields makes it difficult to reach a conclusion. Therefore, we held an open seminar entitled “On the Expertise of Curators” where museology researchers, curator trainers and actual curators held discussions from their respective points of view.

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